Monday 2 May 2011

Weekend of Weddings

Firstly, there was the one that needs no reminding but secondly and more importantly to me it was my wedding anniversary.

I went for a very special dinner with my man on Saturday night and we had a great day together yesterday, wandering the Kings Road - popping into Zara and just being with each other.

Today was the day itself, we got up, Rich walked the dog, we had breakfast and he said he had a surprise for me later.  Sitting on my laptop browsing when i heard the music change and I thought to myself i love this song - he came in, grinning, and said follow the music - as i walked into the study it dawned on me that this was the song we got married to - Girl, you'll be a Woman Soon - the tears started to roll down my face.
He proceeded to give me a lovely present - a Dolce and Gabanna dress i had loved on the catwalk and though the dress is absolutely beautiful, to me that downloaded song is priceless.

We've been together 17 years on life's varied path but it is days like today that remind me how very lucky i am to be sharing this life with this very special man - i love you honey x

Knysna, May 2nd 1998


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